Everyone who creates and manages a social media account dreams of having a post (or posts!) go viral. But what does that even mean?
Here’s how Urban Dictionary defines “Go Viral”: As used in reference to Internet content which can be passed through electronic mail and social networking sites (Facebook, etc.): an image, video, or link that spreads rapidly through a population by being frequently shared with a number of individuals has ‘gone viral’. They note that strong political content, celebrity news, news of disasters, among others, are popular topics that have the potential to go viral.
While the concept of “going viral” is straightforward, determining when a post has truly gone viral is more complex. The amounts of views/shares/links, the number of unique people the material has reached, the rate at which the content is consumed, and the content’s longevity are all elements to consider.
What makes a post go viral?
We live in a time where anything may become extremely popular thanks to social media. Even if it’s only for a brief period. Think of a viral post as being like a music hit. You’ll never know what will work unless you try it! However, you will need to spend some time thinking about what type of content will grab people’s attention and appeal to the masses.
Here are a few suggestions to get the ball rolling:
Browse other people’s content to discover what is working for them.
Stay up to date. Keep your eyes open for the latest breaking news online. Every day, you’ll hear folks discussing something in common.
Twitter’s Trending Topics is a wonderful place to discover current hot topics and to find out what people are talking about. Whether you want to focus on local or worldwide trends, Twitter makes it easy for you to personalize your search. (https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-trending-faqs)
Focus on creating compelling content that solves problems or otherwise provides educational value to others. Think quality over quantity.
Source or create your own attractive, high-quality images and graphics. Stock photos are great in a pinch, but there is a good chance they have already been seen by others. Keep your camera ready for one-of-a-kind photo opportunities!
Ideas for creating a viral post:
Target your audience by location. If your product or service is location-based, being able to target by location can have a significant impact on how your post is shared.
Give your post a boost. If you have a post that is gaining traction on Facebook, consider boosting it or setting up an ads campaign to further increase its reach and engagement.
Leave them laughing! Humour, especially in today’s world, is a valuable commodity. A creative meme is a fantastic way to make people laugh. Memes also have a strong potential to go viral, especially when they are relatable to large groups of people. When the content includes a joke or a topic that everyone can relate to, more people find it amusing and choose to share it with their friends, who then share it with their friends, and so on. You can easily create your own memes for free through sites such as Meme-Generator.com and imgflip.
Tap into the power of hashtags. Adding relevant and popular hashtags to your social media posts is an effective way to categorize your content so it’s easy to find. It also provides people or other brands, regardless of whether they’re following you, with a direct way to talk about it. Two good sites to help you find popular hashtags are best-hashtags.com and Hashtag Picker.
It’s okay to ask! Regardless of the platform or content, feel free to ask your followers to help share, react, or respond to your post. You can also ask them to tag their friends, increasing the number of people who will see and share your post.
Your post went viral! Now what?
That feeling of having a post go viral, or even semi-viral, is truly addictive! Your hard work has paid off! So go ahead and pat yourself on the back – you deserve it!
Although you may be tempted to ride the wave of that one viral post, it is inevitable the high levels of engagement will eventually drop off. Viral posts also provide the perfect opportunity to grow your audience.
Here are two ways to convert views into new followers:
Respond, respond, respond. Increase your level of engagement and respond to every new person who comments and/or shares your post. People love to be acknowledged and made to feel welcome.
If your viral post is on Facebook, you will be able to directly invite post likes to follow your page:
On the post, click where it shows you the number of post likes
This should automatically bring up a list of people who reacted to your post
You will see a button that allows you to Invite them to like your page, if they haven’t already been invited or like your page
Click on ‘invite’ to send them a notification
At the end of the day, you can rest easier by remembering that it is impossible to predict which posts will go viral. Engagement and interaction levels influence whether a post will go viral or not, so focusing on gaining interaction is essential. Remember that your loyal audience is out there, patiently waiting for your next post, and another after that one, and so on. Continue to keep them in mind rather than worrying about whether you’ll impress everyone each and every time.
We have talked about a healthy work-life balance, but what about staying healthy at work? Mental and physical health at work are important factors to staying motivated and engaged with your business, peers and clients. Keeping your employees motivated and engaged with their work is a leader’s responsibility. Here are 8 tips to help you stay healthy at work.
1. Keep the Metaphorical Door Open
When it comes to health, employees may feel uncomfortable sharing their woes at work. By allowing an open-door policy and listening to concerns with empathy and without judgment, you will encourage more honest dialogue.
2. Make a To-Do List
Having a list set out for your day will help you stay focused, reduce stress, and offer a little dopamine boost when you check off that completed task. Smaller, manageable goals will keep you from getting overwhelmed too quickly. Our team uses Trello for our daily to-dos, and we have found it to be a valuable tool. https://bit.ly/30ZrbVk
3. Keep Your Workspace Clean and Organized
Whether you’re in an office or at home, less clutter will result in less stress. Having something small (like a family photo, or favourite mug) that makes you smile will also contribute to keeping your spirits up. Keeping your workspace dust-free and sanitized regularly will reduce your risk of catching viruses – even if you’re not sharing your space.
4. Take Stretch Breaks
Physically, your body is not meant to sit for 7 straight hours. Taking regular breaks to stand up, walk around, and stretch will benefit your heart health, and overall muscle health! Taking a break from your computer will decrease eye strain as well.
5. Set Yourself Up for Success – Ergonomically
Having the proper chair and desk set up will decrease potential for repetitive strains and poor posture resulting in back and neck pain. Occupational Therapists can help you determine which chair is best for your situation, or you can opt for a sit/stand desk which will allow you to adjust the height of your desk.
6. Drink Water
This is a life hack that is always good advice. Drinking water throughout the day will keep you hydrated and productive. According to WebMD, that mid-afternoon slump many feel may be due to dehydration! If you struggle with remembering to drink water at work, keep a water bottle on your desk and set an alarm to remind yourself it’s time to hydrate!
7. Leave Work at Work
We talk a lot about a healthy work-life balance in our previous blog “Tips for a Healthy Work-Life Balance”. As a business owner, leaving work at work may seem impossible. Our work tends to be 24/7. Allow your employees to leave work at work by not contacting them outside of working hours. For yourself, be sure to set out some time that you can just sit and relax. Build in some unplugged time!
8. Consider Adding a Benefits Plan
Finally, if it is feasible for you to do so, consider adding a benefits plan or health fund for your employees. If they’re able to access affordable care (like dental, prescriptions and vision care), this will help them take care of themselves. There are many great plans out there that are available to small businesses.
We all know that money cannot buy good health and wellness!
If you have ever worked in a collaborative environment, like a co-working space or an open-concept office, then you’ll know that these kinds of work environments have their own unique conditions. We are speaking from experience as we share some tips to be productive in your co-working or collaborative space.
Staying Productive
One way to stay productive is to stay motivated. Co-working spaces and open-concept workplaces have reportedly resulted in happier employees. When employees make personal connections with their co-workers, or other members of a co-working space, they feel more engaged, motivated, and less isolated. A study in the UK reported that happy people are 12% more productive. (Source) Being in your happy place will help you be more productive.
Collaboration is at an all-time high in an open-concept workspace. When you are in close proximity with other workers who bring a variety of skills to the table, you have a wealth of knowledge surrounding you. Use the human library that is at your fingertips and collaborate!
Are you easily distracted? Set boundaries! Some tenants use a sign on their chair to note that they are unavailable for conversation. Some co-working places have a “headphones” rule; if you have your headphones on, you are sending a message that you are unavailable for chatting. If someone needs to discuss something with you, they should send you a message to schedule a time that works for both of you.
What Are Some of the Other Benefits?
We all seek “work-life balance”. As a freelancer or entrepreneur, this may feel impossible, especially if your work is in your home. Co-working spaces provide an “away” space where work can be completed and your worries about whether you did the dishes or not can be out of mind.
Socialization is another key part of employment for many people. Whether you work for a large company or a small business that has opted for an open concept work environment (like us!), socialization is an important factor in motivation, and overall happiness.
Socializing can also provide an opportunity for networking. We have met so many wonderful people, and clients through our co-working space at Innovation Works. The opportunities to collaborate with other businesses and support them in their business journey have been abundant.
What about privacy? It’s true that in an open-concept space there isn’t a lot of privacy for confidential phone calls or sidebar meetings. However, if you do have something sensitive to discuss, most open-concept layouts plan for that with closed-door conference rooms or “phone booths”. Workplace phone booths are smaller, enclosed spaces where you can make or take more private phone calls without disturbing your coworkers or being overheard.
What About Life Post-COVID-19?
According to a study done by McKinsey & Company, 20-25 percent of jobs could allow staff to work from home 3-5 days a week. The same study suggested that 80% of people surveyed enjoy working from home part of the time. (Source) But what about the other part of the time? This is a great time to consider a flexible co-working space. As cases begin to decrease again, the social aspect of working life is expected to return.
Happier, healthier workers will lead to better productivity. Here, at MYOB, we love being part of the Innovation Works community.
As a business owner, you already know that social media is an essential tool to have in your marketing toolbox. You may also be aware that using the most appropriate social media platform(s) for your business can assist you in attracting new business while retaining existing customers. Other business goals that can be accomplished by using social media include driving traffic to your website, capturing a higher quality of leads, driving in-person sales, and boosting brand awareness and engagement.
The only issue with choosing social media platforms? There are so many possibilities!
A few years ago, choosing your brand’s social media platforms used to be fairly “simple”: you started a Facebook Page, created a Twitter profile, and then gradually added others. It is safe to say that the social landscape has changed a lot since the early days. Instagram has become much more popular (and stayed popular) for businesses and individuals. Facebook’s dwindling organic reach is a troublesome reality for business owners; Twitter’s algorithms are always changing; and LinkedIn is seeing increased traffic. Surprisingly, platforms like Pinterest and TikTok have become quite popular for brands, and if you are going to create video content, YouTube should be at the top of your list.
Trying to be active on dozens of social media channels at the same time is simply not feasible. So, it’s important to determine which ones are right for your business and marketing efforts. Here are some suggestions to help decide which social media channels are best for you.
Begin with your own audience.
When it comes to social media platforms, your target audience is unquestionably the most important consideration. Nothing else, not even size, matters if your audience is not engaged on the channel. Facebook, for example, has the most active users of any network. However, if your target audience is hanging out on TikTok or Instagram then that is where you should be.
In other words, each platform has a unique core audience; it is critical to identify your target audience and connect with them through their preferred social media channel. At the same time, if your product and target audience do not use a specific network, it makes no sense for you to be on that network.
What are your competitors doing?
Although you shouldn’t do something just because your rival is doing it, it is often quite helpful to see what others in your industry are doing so you can make an informed decision. Consider things such as what platforms they are using, what is working (and not working) for them, and how engaged their audiences are on each channel.
Consider how your brand comes across to others.
Your products and services, as well as the personality of your brand and the nature of your business, should all play a role in the social media platforms you select. For example, creative brands and artists could focus on visual sites like Instagram or Pinterest, while B2B companies should have LinkedIn at or near the top of their lists. Keep in mind though that there are no black-and-white options when it comes to platform selection. Plenty of B2B and B2C companies may have a visually attractive brand presence that potentially allows them to shine on Instagram, too.
Learn about the different platforms and understand them.
Each social media site has its own distinct personality and communication style. Twitter, for example, is wonderful for discussions and popular subjects, whereas LinkedIn is great for highlighting professional skills and corporate information. One important reason we recommend Facebook to businesses is that this account allows happy clients to tag you and recommend you.
Taking some time to learn about the channels you are considering as well as becoming familiar with the communication protocol has several advantages. Doing this will not only assist you in determining the ideal platform(s) for your business, but it will also assist you in avoiding communication blunders.
Are you ready to get social? We can help!
As you can see, having a solid social media presence provides numerous benefits, especially when you use the best platforms for your business. If you are eager to get started with social media management, we would love to help you avoid wasting time on sites that aren’t going to bring you the results you deserve. Find out how we can help your business stand out on social media by calling or visiting us online!
This week, we are back with the second part of our business tips for startups series! In the first part of our series, we went through three key points to think about as you start your new business: finance, marketing plans, and websites. (https://www.myobontario.ca/business-tips-for-start-ups-part-i/) In this article, we’ll go over three more critical aspects for launching a successful startup.
These three additional tips will assist you in making your business a success:
1. SWOT Analysis of competitors
Regardless of the type of business you start, one thing is for certain: there will be competitors. Even if no other business is selling exactly what you intend to sell, there are likely other products or services that your target customers are currently using to meet their needs. To be successful, you must research your competitors and learn as much as you can about what they sell and how they sell it.
Before implementing any new strategy, it is important to evaluate your current position. From there, you can consider where you want to go, how you intend to get there, and what obstacles may arise.
To determine these things, a thoughtful SWOT Analysis of your competitors could be revealing. What is a SWOT Analysis? SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats; a SWOT Analysis is a method for evaluating these four aspects of your competitors.
2. Staffing
When it comes to hiring, startups face unique challenges. Finding the right people is a challenge that every business, whether established or new, faces. However, the people you need to hire for your startup will require a specific skill set to advance your business to the next level – yet you may lack the funds to attract the right people through the usual channels used by large corporations. It’s going to be an ongoing balancing act between having confidence in your company’s growth and spending the cash it takes to acquire and retain good talent.
Startups are also frequently faced with the decision of whether to hire permanent full-time employees or independent contractors. There are pros and cons to both, so which approach is best for you? This decision is likely to be influenced by your startup’s requirements and available budget. The primary distinction between contractors and employees is that contractors work for themselves, provide their own equipment and have other clients. If you hire your own employee, on the other hand, you are responsible for managing and paying additional overhead costs such as CPP, EI, statutory holidays and vacation pay. Furthermore, there are critical filings and remittances required to be paid to Canada Revenue Agency.
If you’re ready to hire, be sure go over your startup’s budget and priorities to make the best hiring decision for your team!
3. Lining up your professional support team
Hiring professionals to help your startup makes a lot of sense, especially when you are just getting started. Although a support team – which includes, but is not limited to, an accountant, attorney, consultant/coach, and bookkeeper – is not required to launch a startup, having access to their expertise is beneficial in getting your startup set up correctly and supporting continued growth. For example, most new business owners are unfamiliar with the legal and financial matters that must be addressed for their startup to succeed. You can, of course, do research and attempt to learn on your own, but doing so will take valuable time away from your primary responsibilities – starting and growing your business! Plus, having access to qualified professionals you can count on helps you to confidently focus on other elements of your organization.
Are you ready to get started?
Startup owners who wish to be successful must be able to adapt to changing circumstances, keep a healthy balance, and surround themselves with the right people. We hope you find these suggestions helpful, and we wish you luck as you begin your journey down a new path! If you need us, we are here for you – call or contact us and let us know how we can help.
“Don’t talk to strangers!” Parents have warned their children for decades. Evil often comes packaged in beauty and charm. And so, obedient children have refused to be lured by candy.
Today’s online lures are clever, disguised and not obvious in many cases. Now that we are used to the emails from a Prince in a faraway land who wants to send us money and avoid the demands to “click here to enter banking information”, the scams are getting more sophisticated and aimed straight at our emotions. Let’s look at some common scams that are online today, targeting our curiosity, fear, sympathy or even love and connection.
Shocking social media announcements about a scandalous situation with a celebrity or sudden news that someone has died can be enough to make you click for more. Be aware that not all websites are created equal. False information is everywhere on the internet. Before you click share to be the first to tell your friends, you can verify news via scam-checking websites like https://www.snopes.com/
Have you received a recorded call on your cell phone telling you that you have violated rules with Revenue Canada and there is now a warrant for your arrest? Or perhaps a huge alert appeared on your computer screen, seemingly from the RCMP saying they have detected child pornography on your computer? These terrifying messages are followed by demanding an immediate response from you. Cell phones ask you to press 1 and computers ask you to click a link for help. Stop. If you’re worried about Revenue Canada, call them directly. If you’re worried about a virus on your computer, call an IT company to help you.
There have been numerous fraudsters trying to collect money on group funding websites, or phone calls from a charity. They all tell a sad story with an urgent need. Because this has happened too often, the sites are now tightening up the regulations. To help avoid unwanted cold calls, you should register to be on the “Do Not Call List (DNCL). https://lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/en Let common sense be your guide. Check the story and the source before sending money.
With the rise of popularity and success of online dating, there’s also a rise in catfishing online. Our human need for love and validation, opens the door to the hearts of all ages of people in all walks of life. These clever scammers know how to win trust and what magical words to type so that the victim becomes comfortable. Often it is months before a crisis occurs and a request for money is made. There are signs to look for: never meeting via Skype or Zoom or in-person, outlandish stories about impossible situations or professing undying love forever when you’ve never met. If you suspect this is happening to you or someone you know, search the internet for profiles of this person to see if they are consistent. You can also upload any images you’ve been given to reverse Google image search, or to a website like Tin Eye (https://tineye.com) to request matches elsewhere on the internet. If the images you have been given are actually stock photos, you’ll see that in your results.
If you have spent time on social media, being social with your “friends”, you’ve seen the fun quizzes asking for your favourite colour, your favourite vacation spot, your pet’s first name, your favourite band or the name of your high school. These sound like familiar security questions, don’t they? Of course there may be other harmless questions in there too, but think about the personal information that you’re handing out to the internet and not just your “friends”!
Have you ever received a friend request from someone you thought you were already friends with online? This is another way hackers try to invade your personal accounts. If you think there’s even a chance you may be friends with that person already, double check before clicking accept!
Are you making your accounts easy to hack? Identity theft is a nightmare.
At the end of the day, “Don’t talk to strangers!” is still a solid piece of advice for us all. Beware. Be smart. Be careful, verify and fact check before you click.