In this digital age, having a website for your company is essential. However, keeping your website and its content up to date is equally important. Your website is, without a doubt, a representation of your company. In fact, it may be the only part of it that some people see. As such, keeping your site updated and relevant will go a long way toward generating a positive impression on both current and potential customers.
Here are a few reasons to keep your website up to date:
Your website can help your business generate revenue, increase brand recall value, promote goodwill among clients and target audiences, plus deliver powerful marketing messages around the clock, 365 days a year!
Keeping your website’s material current contributes to the development of relationships between you and your customers, which ultimately helps to build trust and credibility in your company. Customers are most likely looking to your site for relevant information that helps them stay in-the-know.
Customers are likely to feel comfortable using your services when your company has a high-quality website. Plus, your website can help its visitors feel confident that they will have a positive experience in all aspects of your business.
Because search engines like Google place a strong emphasis on local results, having a website is even more important if you are a local business. More people are using the internet to find local businesses than ever before so if you don’t have a website, they may be unable to contact or locate your company.
When your company has an updated website, you will have an increased ability to communicate with customers in real time. This is especially true when your website’s content and social media are integrated. Your social media pages all work together to increase your website traffic and boost revenue.
The ability to attract new customers is one of the most compelling reasons to invest in updating your website. Since the visitors to your site will be at various stages of the sales process, including researchers, comparers, and buyers, you’ll want to make sure you have offerings for them all. The goal is to convert website visitors into leads, so speaking to their needs and providing them with a clear action plan to take the next steps will help make the process smoother.
Let’s get started.
We build WordPress websites for our clients and provide them with two hours of training after launch to teach them how to make minor changes on their own. We recommend WordPress because it is customizable and user friendly.
Are you ready to talk about your website design and management? Fill out our contact form and we’ll get in touch!
Let’s face it… when you’re a small business owner, you have more important things to do with your time than gathering your bank statements, credit card statements, receipts, and deposit information for a bookkeeper. Not only is doing so quite tedious, but it also sounds really boring, don’t you think? But you know what’s even worse? A Canada Revenue Agency Audit!
When you think about it that way, organizing and staying on top of your finances doesn’t seem so bad! And although audits are unavoidable, having the right bookkeeping service can help make the process less stressful in the long run. If you’re considering hiring a bookkeeper, here are two valid reasons to do so.
1. Hiring a bookkeeper can assist small business owners in cutting costs.
Many people, for example, discover that they save money on accountant fees during tax season because their books are neat and in order.
One big lie we all tell ourselves is that we don’t need to write something down because we’ll remember it later. Or we’ll find those receipts for business expenses and/or dinners because we’d never throw something like that away, right? Why take that risk?
One reason you should keep accurate and up-to-date records of your revenue and expenses now is that you are more likely than not to forget three years from now – which could certainly come back to haunt you if you’re selected for an audit. So having your bookkeeping in order makes an audit go much more smoothly.
2. When your bookkeeping is organized, government filings can be kept up to date and deadlines can be met.
Filing on time is the law. Understandably, some businesses struggle to pay their HST obligations at certain times of the year due to a lack of cash flow. However, hiring a bookkeeper who oversees and keeps your financials up to date on a monthly or even quarterly basis helps small business owners make smart decisions about purchases, staffing, raises, and so on. This also includes liabilities such as how much HST they owe or payroll remittance they will have to pay. It is also important to note that there are penalties for late payment, but the law requires the HST report to be filed ON TIME. At Mind Your Own Business, we work with our clients and communicate with them regularly as we maintain their books and ensure that all government filings are completed on time.
Are you ready to get started? Great! Although you are always welcome to bring your bags, boxes, and folders of receipts for us to sort through, we also have a secure online portal where people can upload digital files! We are very customer-focused, and we are open to receiving your information in any way you prefer. Also, some clients prefer to do their own invoicing and/or payroll and we do the rest – but, once again, we can provide a customized service package based on what YOU require.
Establishing social media marketing goals is an important step in growing your business. Having an active and engaging social media presence is an important tool to invite customers to contact you. Social media platforms play a role in identifying and directing interested potential customers to your website and that is invaluable to any growing business.
Here are three major reasons why social media should be a non-negotiable component of your business’ marketing, brand communications, and online presence strategy:
1. Social media provides the same opportunity for brand visibility, regardless of the size of your company.
Businesses of all sizes can benefit from social media’s leveling effect. Each is given the same amount of online space, as well as the same options for using appropriate and successful keywords, verbiage, eye-catching images and ads to reach their audiences online, regardless of its size or revenue.
By making it easy to display your brand and offerings online, social media platforms provide one of the most effective marketing and communications strategies for your business. What’s even better? Social media is an inexpensive and convenient way to highlight a company’s online presence. This is especially good news for smaller businesses with limited marketing resources. When users are asking their social media community for recommendations, your business is easy to find, to tag and to recommend!
2. Let’s Talk About Social Listening
Businesses that use social media to listen online rather than only broadcasting all the time will find the platforms are extremely beneficial. Social Listening helps a company gain firsthand knowledge of the issues that are important to their audience and future clients. This information then helps them make decisions, take effective action, and make a positive impact.
As well, businesses are more likely to gain their audience’s trust and loyalty when they remember that social media communication requires both engaging with and listening to their audience! Businesses that consistently concentrate on developing genuine relationships with their followers may end up closing more deals than they would have done by sales calls and advertising alone.
3. Social media improves your company’s visibility, both online and off.
Every day, social media assists companies in enhancing not only their online presence but their offline presence as well. In many cases, a large percentage of consumers conduct online research on potential purchases before making a final purchasing decision. If you want to attract these potential customers, you must strengthen your online presence by creating and maintaining your business social media platforms.
Are you ready to incorporate social media into your business’ marketing strategy and improve your brand’s marketing and communication strategies?
We’ve all had a bad customer service experience or two in our lives, but how often do we actually “complain” to someone who can turn a bad situation into a good one? According to a recent statistic, as many as 96% of us will say something about a negative experience to 15 friends, without speaking to anyone within the organization we are upset with. Here’s a thought: perhaps being proactive with a tailored approach to customer service from the start of the relationship can help to prevent a negative situation from the get-go. After all, it’s about the customer!
Here are three suggestions for providing excellent customer service.
To earn customers’ trust, make them feel seen and heard.
Successfully competing in the market involves more than offering the best prices. Nowadays, potential customers are drawn in and compelled to stay when you provide top-notch customer service. At the very least, they expect to be treated with kindness and respect. With a global average of 59% of consumers having higher expectations of customer service, continuing to use outdated or ineffective strategies may cause you to fall behind your competitors. To attract and retain customers, it is critical to make each individual feel special by providing them with personalized customer service.
Another important factor in attracting and retaining customers is to meet their needs. Being aware of your target market’s customer service preferences can also benefit your business, since approximately 54% of consumers say they base their purchasing decisions on the quality of a company’s customer service. Furthermore, more than 19% say that the quality of service is one of the most important factors influencing their final purchasing decision.
Proactive customer service will set you apart from the competition.
It is pretty clear that any type of service—for example, being greeted by name, being recognized from previous interactions, and receiving contextualized support—is appreciated and makes a customer feel valued. In addition, anticipating your customers’ support needs can give your company a competitive edge.
Communicate and interact with your customers to build stronger relationships.
At the end of the day, remember that cultivating relationships with your customer base does not end with the sale. That is only the beginning. To keep connected, you must provide excellent, consistent, and meaningful customer care. The key is to listen to your customers and act on their feedback to demonstrate that addressing their concerns is a top priority. There are many ways to stay connected including seasonal cards, birthday cards, newsletters and phone call check-ins. Continued interaction sends a strong message that you care.
It’s better for dissatisfied customers to talk to you than about you.
Following these simple steps will help you in maintaining open lines of communication with your customers. That way, if they have a negative experience, they will be far more likely to tell you directly rather than complaining to 15 (or 1,500!) of their friends. And, with a higher level of trust between you and your customers, you have a much better chance of making things right and reinforcing their trust in you.
Most small business owners agree that one of their most powerful marketing tools is their website. And, as you are probably aware, some websites are designed better than others. Have you ever visited a website and been disappointed by its appearance or complicated navigation? Or become frustrated when visiting a website that takes forever to load? Of course, you have. We all have. And, more likely than not, you have probably moved on to a fancier (and faster!) website.
The simple truth is that a business that wishes to be competitive online needs a website that wows its visitors. In a nutshell, a business website has the potential to do one of two things:
Help you stand out from your competitors or
Drive people directly to your competitors.
Savvy business owners realize their potential clients go online for more than purchasing products and/or services. Instead, they crave a unique and highly visual online experience which entices and delights them as well. This is where the importance of exceptional website design comes in.
Reasons why you need a well-designed business website:
1. You only have one chance to make a first impression – so make it count!
Visitors to your website often decide whether they want to do business with you within a fraction of a second, based on their perceptions of your site. They may not even be aware they are judging you, but having bias is part of being human.
The better first impression you give, the more likely your visitors are to stay or return to your website. In other words, your website’s design can make a big difference when it comes to attracting and retaining potential clients.
2. Your business website is a direct reflection of YOU.
Along with that all-important first impression a website gives to its visitors, your website design also gives them an idea of how you conduct business. For example, a web design that is outdated or sloppy may inadvertently give your visitors the impression that your products or services are also inferior or low quality.
On the other hand, a well-designed website can go a long way towards building trust in your business, and trust is a big factor in sales. An organized website with a strong visual component helps to create an air of legitimacy for you and your business. This is why we say your business’ website is your most powerful marketing tool. Consider good design as another way for you to successfully reach out to your customers.
3. Your website is an essential component of your business’ brand.
As part of your marketing toolbox, your business’ website also serves to promote your brand. While brand awareness is valuable for all businesses, brand-building is especially important for new business owners who need to establish a positive reputation from the get-go.
Over to you
Good website design is a must in today’s highly visual market. Understanding the importance of a well-designed business website is step one. What is the next step? Building one. Mind Your Own Business will work with you to develop and implement a plan to create a website that accurately represents you and your business in a current, approachable, and positive way. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today by calling 519-657-4283 or by filling out our online form.