Most small business owners agree that one of their most powerful marketing tools is their website. And, as you are probably aware, some websites are designed better than others. Have you ever visited a website and been disappointed by its appearance or complicated navigation? Or become frustrated when visiting a website that takes forever to load? Of course, you have. We all have. And, more likely than not, you have probably moved on to a fancier (and faster!) website.
The simple truth is that a business that wishes to be competitive online needs a website that wows its visitors. In a nutshell, a business website has the potential to do one of two things:
- Help you stand out from your competitors or
- Drive people directly to your competitors.
Savvy business owners realize their potential clients go online for more than purchasing products and/or services. Instead, they crave a unique and highly visual online experience which entices and delights them as well. This is where the importance of exceptional website design comes in.
Reasons why you need a well-designed business website:
1. You only have one chance to make a first impression – so make it count!
Visitors to your website often decide whether they want to do business with you within a fraction of a second, based on their perceptions of your site. They may not even be aware they are judging you, but having bias is part of being human.
The better first impression you give, the more likely your visitors are to stay or return to your website. In other words, your website’s design can make a big difference when it comes to attracting and retaining potential clients.
2. Your business website is a direct reflection of YOU.
Along with that all-important first impression a website gives to its visitors, your website design also gives them an idea of how you conduct business. For example, a web design that is outdated or sloppy may inadvertently give your visitors the impression that your products or services are also inferior or low quality.
On the other hand, a well-designed website can go a long way towards building trust in your business, and trust is a big factor in sales. An organized website with a strong visual component helps to create an air of legitimacy for you and your business. This is why we say your business’ website is your most powerful marketing tool. Consider good design as another way for you to successfully reach out to your customers.
3. Your website is an essential component of your business’ brand.
As part of your marketing toolbox, your business’ website also serves to promote your brand. While brand awareness is valuable for all businesses, brand-building is especially important for new business owners who need to establish a positive reputation from the get-go.
Over to you
Good website design is a must in today’s highly visual market. Understanding the importance of a well-designed business website is step one. What is the next step? Building one. Mind Your Own Business will work with you to develop and implement a plan to create a website that accurately represents you and your business in a current, approachable, and positive way. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today by calling 519-657-4283 or by filling out our online form.